You make a significant investment generating sales leads for your direct reps and channel partners. To protect that investment, AimVox offers a complete solution to help multiple prospecting effectiveness and track results through the sales cycle, confirm prompt follow-up, ensure a professional sales engagement, and quantify return on your marketing investment.
Each of your salespeople has his or her own way of tracking opportunities on paper, in a spreadsheet, via e-mail, or a preferred contact management tool. Very few organizations have a system in place that provides continuous visibility and accountability at the field level. Too often, large portions of the sales cycle are a mystery, valuable leads are not properly worked, and forecasting is a shot in the dark.
AimVox QA Team works with your sales reps and channel partners, in a personalized one-to-one manner, using proven processes to track sales data and leads from all sources, including outbound campaigns, trade shows, seminars, print ads and interactive campaigns. We build relationships within your sales organization and keep the lines of communication open, to maximize the impact of your lead generation and prospecting sessions through the AimVox platform.